The Supervisor Enhancement Programme provides an opportunity for supervisors to become familiar with the proposal development process for Masters’ and Doctoral candidates.

The programme introduces a range of supervision models and the related principles and practices of coaching and mentoring. It provides a theoretical basis for supervision and researcher development. The Module draws on humanist, constructivist and other learning theories that understand supervision to be a process of inducting doctoral candidates into disciplinary-related discourse communities underpinned by values, attitudes and cultural contexts of what can be considered as knowledge and how that knowledge is created.

This module is presented in a flexible and interactive way which allows participants to share their knowledge and experience built across a range of institutions and contexts.

Some Comments received from participants who attended the Supervisory Enhancement Programme:

I have learnt a lot. I also saw and realised my own mistakes in the workshop of which I have to change as I am dealing with people/students who are in the learning process.

  • Add more of funding and grants
  • Thank you! I learnt a lot.
  • Thoroughly enjoyed the workshop.
  • Great course!
  • Very informative.
  • Great facilitators especially the two senior presenters.
  • Keep conducting these kinds of workshops. They are inspiring.
  • These workshops are very useful and should be done more frequently.
  • Please do this over 3 days and include how to examine a PhD thesis. More would be good.
  • The presenters were extremely professional and leaders in the topic.
  • Definitely worth spending my time. Very valuable ideas and excellent presentation styles.