Universities of technology have undergone significant transformation over the past decade as the technological landscape evolves and the demands of the job market change.

With the development of new technologies, universities need to adapt their curricula to ensure that students are equipped with the skills necessary to succeed in the digital age.

One of the biggest challenges facing universities in technology is the need to update their curriculum to reflect the latest technological advances constantly. At THENSA, we have implemented a number of projects designed to equip universities with the skills and knowledge to adapt to the needs of the job market, participate in matters concerning higher education policy, create work-integrated learning opportunities for their students and capacitate academic staff with skills necessary to enhance their research capabilities and identify opportunities to commericalise research.

Our programmes are designed to be relevant, impactful and flexible, ensuring that staff and students are able to thrive in times of uncertainty and prosperity.


THENSA is a consortium known for its innovative approach to advancing technology focussed institutions.

We are a vibrant organisation dedicated to ensuring our member institutions are dynamic and responsive participants to matters concerning innovation, technology, business and climate change.

Our partnerships are aimed at facilitating transformation in the higher education space. Technological universities are placing a greater emphasis on work-integrated learning which allows students to gain practical experience and apply their knowledge in a real-world setting.

One of the benefits of this approach is that it helps students to develop problem-solving skills and critical thinking that will enable them to become leaders and team players in their respective sectors.

Additionally, universities of technology are also looking at new ways to integrate technology into their curriculum. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of our member institutions incorporated virtual and augmented reality technologies into their programmes, allowing students to experience immersive and interactive technologies.


The impact of these transformations on student outcomes has been significant. Students who have completed degrees at universities of technology are equipped to succeed in the job market, as they have a deep understanding of the latest technologies and practices in the world.

They are also better prepared to take on leadership roles in the industry, as they have the skills and experience necessary to drive innovation and progress.

At the same time, these changes are also having a significant impact on the broader industry. With a growing number of students graduating from universities of technology with the latest technological knowledge and practical experience, companies can access a larger pool of talent and tap into new ideas and perspectives.

This has led to more significant innovation in the industry, as companies can leverage the latest technologies and practices to improve their products and services.

Over the last decade, THENSA’s member institutions have adapted to the growing demands of the higher education sector, while producing qualifications which respond to the needs of the South African economy. While we cannot predict the future, we hope that the next decade sees more institutions join THENSA in the bid to advance excellence in technology, innovation and research.

Contact us today for more details.

Contact Us at 012 382 4896, 031 563 0504