According to StatsSA, the current unemployment rate amongst South Africans aged 15 to is 75.1%, meaning roughly 7.7 million South Africans are out of a job. To ensure that we are responding decisively to the needs of the country, THENSA has created initiatives that aim to capacitate the youth with the expertise and skills to make a valuable contribution to the economy. 

Considering the National Development Plan 2030, THENSA implemented a set of bespoke capacity building programmes to assist in producing a significant number of Masters, PhDs, Supervisors and Academics.  

THENSA has done this by consulting national and international experts who have aided in designing, assessing and enhancing these programmes. Creating excellent graduate students, doctoral candidates, advisors, and teachers is essential. These individuals are vital to the development of any academic field. Essentially, these are our next-generation leaders

Programme objectives 

These programmes are specifically designed and intended to reach the following objectives: 

  • Increase the critical mass of high-quality Masters’ and PhD graduates within a three to four-year period 
  • Enhance and ensure improved supervision skills 
  • Ensure submission of high-quality papers for publication to accredited journals 
  • Strengthen the teaching, research capacity and research outputs of institutions 
  • Create communities of practice across institutions locally and internationally 
  • Encourage joint research, publications and academic exchanges nationally and internationally 

What to expect with our bespoke capacity-building programmes 

THENSA has the resources to provide a range of training programmes, models and materials to meet the needs of different clients. No matter what their requirements may be, we can offer a solution that’s tailored to their situation. 

Workshops are held several times yearly and are designed to provide participants with the necessary insights to develop their own ventures. 

Interactive face-to-face workshops, one-on-one sessions (both in person and remotely), and group sessions and discussions are organised to enable an efficient exchange of ideas. All candidates taking part in the proposals defence or the final defence of their dissertations/theses will have external assessors present (for more information, refer to the training model and curriculum). Training materials are available during sessions through a unique Google platform and chat room. Successful completion of programs is rewarded with a certificate of completion. 

Interactive facilitation 

Programmes are led by renowned national and international scholars across various disciplines, paying special consideration to facilitators from the host country. The interactive nature of the Master’s and PhD programmes engages supervisors, facilitators, and candidates in fruitful discussions, with participants exchanging experiences and insights that contribute to community building and greater understanding

This programme is open to all academic and research institutions found in Southern Africa. The PhD, Masters’ and Supervisor programmes can accept a maximum of 35 applicants, while the Writing Programme is limited to 20. Participants are chosen by their respective institutions based on relevant qualifications and the scope of their duties. 

Capacity enhancement programmes 

Our capacity-building programmes are designed to help individuals develop the competencies and capabilities required for success. We offer various technology-based education qualifications focusing on practical learning, not just theoretical concepts. With our expert facilitators, you can explore new areas of interest and acquire industry-recognised qualifications.  

Our range of programmes includes: 

  • Doctoral Programme for all Disciplines (3 Options) – The Doctoral Proposal Programme is a six-module blended learning programme with six residential modules and two online modules. 
  • The Proposal Development Programme  
  • The Proposal Development and Data Collection Programme  
  • Completion of Dissertation to Presentation for Examination 
  • The Supervisor Enhancement Programme for all Disciplines (2 days with 3-month Online Support and may run concurrently with the PhD Programme) – The Supervisor Enhancement Programme provides an opportunity for supervisors to become familiar with the proposal development process for Masters’ and Doctoral candidates. 
  • Writing for Academic Publications Programme (3 days with three months of Online Support) – The general objective of the Writing for Academic Publications Programme is to contribute to the global knowledge economy by developing a structured programme. 
  • The Masters’ Programme for all Disciplines – The curriculum for the Masters’ Programme comprises a 3-module (each module being a week long) residential programme. 

THENSA believes promoting technology-based education is critical for economic renewal in South Africa. 

These initiatives are expected to provide universities with a more significant number of Masters’ and PhD-level staff and students, improved mentorship opportunities and a greater rate of research output. 

Given the current economy and lack of jobs available to our graduates, THENSA believes that promoting technology-based education is critical for economic renewal in South Africa. 

Read more to learn more about THENSA’s capacity building programme or download our brochure.